Used MicroThermics Direct Steam UHT Lab Pasteurizer


Used MicroThermics Direct Steam UHT Lab Pasteurizer

Location:New York, NY


Used Microthermics UHT/HTST Lab Pasteurizer. This is a combined HTST and UHT processing system that will process fluid products at temperatures up to 295°F and pressure up to 350psig.  Comes with 2 tubular product heaters.  The preheater (1st) uses hot water to heat product before it enters the final heater, (2nd).  This heater uses steam to heat the product, indirectly.  Equipped with dual product inlets leading to the product pump.  Each inlet comes with a plug valve to control product flow.  Flow rate is controlled by adjusting the variable speed control of the product pump. Also equipped with two hold tubes; 1 for beverages and an extended hold tube for more viscous products.  This system is designed for Clean In Place (CIP).    


1 Used Microthermics Steam Control Module.  Serial #:  5024-153.  This is a standalone module designed to supply steam to a Microthermics main processing system and control the temperature of product exiting the systems preheater and final heater.  Maximum capacity:  3 litres/minute.  


ManufacturerMicrothermics UHT/HTST
ModelLab-25 HV
Serial Number5024-68
Temperature range up to 295°FPressure: up to 350psig
Final heater. Maximum capacity3 litres/minute.